Research shows that overweight people who regularly weigh themselves tend to be more successful at dropping pounds and keeping them off. Yet you rarely if ever see bathroom scales included in photographs showcasing gorgeous bathrooms. That’s because in bath design, less clutter equals more class. Where do design-conscious, health-conscious people keep their scales anyway?
Most people keep their scales stowed out of sight, perhaps under a towel stand or in a cabinet, but if you want an accurate read of your weight, moving a scale around can be a problem. Particularly with mechanical scales, calibration can be knocked askew. The evenness of the floor surface matters, too. And with digital scales, moving the scale means you need to zero it out each time before you weigh yourself.
Considering the aforementioned research, maybe it’s time to rethink whether a scale actually qualifies as clutter. Give it a permanent home out in the open. Instead of hiding it, try incorporating it into the design of your bathroom. Here’s a unique and crafty solution (using oilcloth!) courtesy of
As far as placement of the scale goes, there’s generally little else on a bathroom floor, and you don’t want a toe-stubbing risk or stumbling block in a room already notorious for slips and falls. Keep your scale away from the natural pathways within a bathroom, namely those between the toilet, tub, and stink. Try a spot behind the door or tucked behind a protruding wall. If you can’t bring yourself to expose your scale to the world, remember what the studies show about daily weigh-ins, and keep one in another room instead (or make use of the one at your gym).