Whether you’re just throwing around the idea or you have made the decision to remodel your bathroom, using the picture app, Pinterest is a great way to build up a portfolio of ideas. Pinterest is a pinboard-style social photo sharing website that allows users to create and manage theme-based image collections. By using Pinterest you can search for image collections from things as general as “bathroom remodeling” to searches as specific as “modern bathroom faucets.” A search for “modern bathroom faucets” would return a full list of images like the modern faucets below.
- Sleek bathroom faucet
- Trendy bathroom faucet
- Concept style bathroom faucet
By searching a wide variety of bathroom keywords (faucets, cabinets, shower heads, sinks, bathtubs, etc.) you can build a collection of ideas for every aspect of your bathroom remodeling project. Once you’ve created a collection of images for every aspect you plan to remodel in your bathroom, this can provide a great reference point when you meet with your bathroom contractor. Instead of you trying to describe to the contractor or designer what you want, you can physically show them what you’ve compiled on your Pinterest account.
For an idea of what a bathroom remodeling Pinterest account would look like check out http://pinterest.com/oneweekbath/. This account provides a broad collection of bathroom remodeling images that One Week Bath has compiled. Below is a screenshot of what One Week Bath’s Pinterest board looks like which gives you an idea of the broad collection of images that can be collected.
Setting up your own Pinterest account:
- Go to Pinterest.com and register
- Search keywords of images you want to collect or view
- “Follow” people that have image collections that interest you
- Start “pinning” your own photos to create your own image collection
Pinterest can be a great alternative to the old way of gathering ideas where people would have to go through countless magazines to find different ideas. I know people that would rip out the pictures from magazines of ideas they liked and create a scrapbook type thing of all the bathroom remodeling ideas before they actually started the project. Pinterest allows you to do the same type of thing, but all the images are in one place. The site makes it easier than ever to put all of your ideas into one location so you can easily categorize them. This way, when you meet with your contractor or designer you can present them with ideas that fit your taste. Allowing them to see what kind of things you like will give them a better idea as to the direction you want to go in with your bathroom remodel.